Monday, July 16, 2012

Nothingness Tactics

I remember Pam Roberts always saying how she tries not to expect too much so that she will not be disappointed. Pam flatters herself as being the most humble and unassuming person on the planet even while dissing me on a continual basis, to my face as well as behind my back, as if I did not notice all those little digs. So if that tactic works for the Roberts clan, why does not the same tactic work for me? If I expect nothing and dis everyone I can think of, still nothing changes. Still I am dissed and insulted on a continual basis by the putrid whiny pretentious Roberts clan, as if I ever asked them for anything. Actually the Roberts never gave me anything. They are just grandstanding for their own self-aggrandizement purposes, basically, because otherwise there is no reason for us to be acquainted with those obnoxious whiners Pam and Craig who as we all know are right there on the grapevine with the worst offenders.