Monday, May 12, 2014

Which Reminds Me

About 25 years ago I was living in Central Florida and at that time I heard that our friend Sammy was assistant pastor at a church in Orlando area which was pastored by Mark Rutland. I did visit there a few times and thought that Mark was a very good speaker. However, later I moved away and don't remember anything else about them. I never did have much feeling of affinity for these deep-fried Southern grits people who cannot seem to control their mouths. Don't they know that everyone is listening and that they cannot control the outcome of these tongue lashings? Everything said to them or in their presence comes back around all twisted into strange shapes. I have learned the hard way not to trust my former friends from childhood. I would like to keep some things to myself and obviously I would not be able to trust the twins Susie and Sammy not to repeat everything I say or even happened to overhear them say. They take such a hostile view of me as evidenced by the echoes of their back-stabbing commentaries in wide circulation. Is it any wonder that Susie and Sammy are so fat?