Thursday, May 1, 2014

Which Reminds Me

I seem to remember that Rob attended the same college that I did but did not start there until at least three or four years after I had left. It is hard to imagine why I should care about Rob and whoever his college friends were. Rob always was a snooty pompous little rich kid. If Rob really likes living in India we would be happy to supply him with a one-way ticket to nowhere just to get him out of our life because we while we feel a certain degree of pity for these 'Untouchable Beggars' (where did I hear that joke?) we are also proud of our Horatio Alger schematics here in America, never having given India much thought, never having been to India, and thinking basically that India is much too late in the game to be telling us how our society ought to be organized when India has done such a lousy job for all these thousands of years. We will tell you. Or maybe we won't be telling you anything when it is really none of your business. We don't have "Brahmins" in America in the India sense although at times we have seen that word thrown around in some loose and mindlessly artistic sense. We really would not want anyone accusing us of trying to apply Hindu standards to American society when actually it was someone else who was guilty of trying to masquerade themselves as Brahmins. You know who you are.