Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Which Reminds Me

How many times do I have to repeat the same irrelevant stories? As if you had forgotten. One day in high school I was bored and so I took the dust jacket of one of my literature books, something about Greek poetry, and inserted it inside out into the typewriter and, clickety-clack, typed away until I finished the entire white space. I did that just to see if I could fill the whole white space with words. And then I completely forgot about it until a couple of years later when my sister borrowed that book and took it to class and found the wordage and showed it to her friends who read it and concluded that I am crazy. My sister never was discriminating about taking up with whatever vagrants cross her path. Whatever they want they get automatically. A typewriter is just a machine. But if you were expecting me to discuss the wording further you will be disappointed. I think not. It was just a private thing, nobody's business but mine.