Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Which reminds me that someone was talking about how annoying it is the way these guys treat us like "it." Which means they pretend to be so nice, always greeting us in a joking way and making little "funny" comments so that it gives the mistaken impression that they like us and want us to be their friends when actually they are just being political, just gathering data on "people" to uphold their future power careers. All of this drama about pretending to be our friends transmits a wrong impression to other potential boyfriends who may imagine that we would not be interested in getting to know them because these other guys are so aggressively preoccupying our time in college which is short. The Cederblom boys were a prime example of this time of political skunk. Everyone knows what two-faced double-crossing whiners the Cederbloms really were. So awkward that the higher-ups stupid Triplett trash don't seem to get the picture.