Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Shortly after John and Michelle Cote's wedding I remember that myself and I don't remember who else were at their apartment and Michelle was showing us John's paintings that were hanging on the wall and going on about how lucky she is to have an artist for a husband. This way she does not have to go out and buy stuff to hang on her walls. She can just tell her husband to paint something for this or that corner or whatever. Ok, so we are glad that Michelle is happy with she got but personally I would rather pick my own art. Personally I would not want to see Johnny's pathetically mediocre doodles hanging on the walls of my own house. Yes, I always was too nice to explain how not impressed I ever was with the boring Cote family. One is not supposed to say what one really thinks about one's artistically mediocre friends from church even when they seem to have no scruples about stabbing one in the back given the chance and opportunity.