Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Someone was trying to make jokes possibly about aspirin, Johnson & Johnson vs. Bayer. Um, well, I have to admit that I don't really get it. An apple a day keeps the doctor away so whatever. Aspirin is not something that I would use every day, thins your blood too much, or so I heard somewhere, and anyway hopefully myself am never sick enough to require visiting the similarly named Houston hospital complex. Besides which I really don't know the Johnsons very well at all. My parents voted for Nixon anyway. There was a Johnson family at our church at one time but they no longer live around here. I really can't say that I know them. The Johnsons are rich so they prefer to politic by lending their protection to the Italian elements, advocating the preference of Italians and browns over regular white people such as myself, so obviously I am not interested in learning more about that.