Monday, June 23, 2014

Which Reminds Me

I think that it is ludicrous and pretentious for these dancers to claim that dancing is a necessary requisite of mating and courtship. Many of us in existence were born into this world without benefit of dancing. I doubt that my parents ever went dancing and certainly plenty of people can say the same thing. Really, social dancing is not necessary. There are those who want it and there are those who don't. Others don't really care one way or another. Dancing is just not that important to me in relation to some other values and principles. Lots of people get married and have families never having gone dancing so I fail to see the logic involved in this artificial mechanism that really is not necessary. If it is just all about dancing you can count me out because I just don't care that much. There is a lot more to life than just dancing. Someone was making a joke about artificial mechanisms of this type but I don't quite remember the context. I can't really say that I understood. Sometimes people say stupid things without thinking about what they are really saying.