Monday, June 9, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Obviously I have nothing of significance to say about Holly MacGowan, a person who I talked to maybe a couple of times in my entire life and of whom I remember almost nothing, just that she was a flaky psych major whose idiotic mutterings are of dubious quality at best. She was on the science field trip in Mexico but we only talked once or twice even then. She expressed her pity for me being relegated to the other van but I did not encourage further conversation along that vein because anyway I really did not care to be in the so-called "cool" van with Cori and her obnoxious friends. I was getting really tired of their boring behavior. I really did not mind riding in the other van with the other "un-cool" people because it was more quiet there and could hear the teacher explaining things. So I got an A-minus 91 or 92 on the test which infuriated Cori because she, having gotten a 98, was certain that I would have at least gotten a B if not lower, as she said to me. She imagined herself and Marilyn the only A's in the whole class, as she said. However, I said in response to that, no, I think that I will get an A because my A- will average out to 4.0 also and I was right on that point. This statement of mine infuriated her and she stormed out of the room and marched over to the science department to protest my test grades. So whatever. Anyway, I got an A in desert science. Needless to say I got sick and tired of Cori arguing vociferously on the most ridiculous points.