Monday, March 23, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now I remember. Someone was yapping about the veterinarian novels of James Herriot, such as "All Things Bright and Beautiful," etc. No, I have not read those books. So many books, so little time. Also, you were asking me if I remember the sayings of Karen Kraiss. Actually no, I don't. She was often seen on campus posing in the company of Larry but I do not recall ever hearing her say anything, now that I think of it. You theorized that Karen might actually be a robotic automaton. Oh, I had not thought of that, but I would not be able to prove one thing or another just by that. If Larry wants to marry one of the Stepford Wives for his household drudge, whatever. No one really cares that much about the doing and sayings of Larry. We are a bit shocked to hear from those boring people who we never really thought of that much. Perhaps Larry would be surprised how little memory exists of him. I do recall his mother Barbara was my accompanist at one time but that was schoolwork. Nothing personal.