Thursday, June 11, 2015

Which Reminds Me

There is something wrong with this picture. My choices are dismal: Capitulation or Death by Multiple Knife wounds. And for what? So that some greedy unnamed worldly pigs can pick who gets "up" and who gets "down," because only they have the money to pay for this prolonged war. Ok, so maybe I don't deserve anything, given that I have accomplished nothing much as of yet in my pathetic life. But the fact that I have an English Moore in my ancestry, a great-great-grandmother, hardly qualifies me as Moorish in the Moslem and/or Lebanese sense of that word. So it does boggle the mind why all these Spanish people imagine they can throw me to the Moors. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If only I had a chance to explain, but the whole work atmosphere makes it difficult to really talk about personal matters. I prefer to keep my head attached to my body for the time being. Getting myself killed right now would be too expensive. My parents would have to pay for my funeral. What a mess and nobody cares. I am just supposed to roll over and play dead because somebody really really hates me. As if I should care about the opinions of those haughty arrogant rich political people.