Sunday, June 7, 2015

Which Reminds Me

What are all these horrid Vineyard people crowing about? It is quite true that you can easily dispose of my inheritance by killing me. Did not King Ahab and his Wicked Queen JezzieBelch easily dispose of the vineyard of Nabal even though the vineyard keeper had intended to keep that piece of land for his own family? So obviously nothing is certain in this life of woe and suffering. And did I myself not wrongfully dispose of a table that did not belong to me? So maybe I owe you a couple of hundred bucks. Even so, the killing of me will not win any prize for these dreary French Fried cousins of mine. If I had a choice, I would rather use my inheritance to strengthen the hand of my own dear nephews rather than to give any quarter to some horribly wicked cousins who really don't deserve anything anyway, especially not now after all their dirty tricks. Ditto to those Stewart whiners. So now you tell me. But of course it is quite true that time and chance happen to all. It is quite true that some counties of Texas are wet and others dry. Even so, I would rather avoid the argument. This is not a good time to discuss vineyard cultivation of central Texas. I really don't care what they do. I am a reasonable person and I realize that I have no say in the matter as I have no money to take possession of anything anway. So whatever.