Monday, June 15, 2015

Which Reminds Me

My sister and a high school classmaste played a nasty prank on her high school friend, Lori Reese, in high school, and then I don't know if my mother required her to go apologize or if she did it on her own cognizance. I only know about this because my mother told me later, after she had gone to apologize to Lori, after talking it over with mother, after it had been drawn to her attention or something like that. Someone is continually trying to attach me to that pranky framework even though I was not the author of that and don't know anything about it. My sister and her friend wrote faked love letters from an anonymous lover and slipped them into her school locker. So Lori was all happy to read these lovely letters until finally my sister and her friend confessed that they were not real. We can safely assume that it was an ugly duckling, Lori being the homecoming queen type of girl. Did the ugly girls get a kick out of knocking her? I don't know. You would have to ask them. I just don't appreciate that junk being attached to me.