Monday, June 22, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Sheryl boasted quite loudly in the newsroom of the assistance provided by her boyfriend when she was writing her scathing reports of the sugar industry and its excesses. That is the only reason that I have any notion of the existence of her unnamed Sugar Man, one who leaked private information about the company and drove her around the premises in his truck. Ok, um....., some reporters just get lucky with their sources in coverage, I suppose. I was never that lucky. Which is why it is rather annoying for stupid sugar people to arrest me for the crimes of them, if there by any in that. They tried to throw me to Cuban sugar. And how can a lowly dog such as myself dare to question the private affairs of a Jewish princess? Sugar was never my assignment, that I should unnecessarily vex myself with these troubling questions of environment vs. agriculture. I am never going to drive to Clewiston to sift through the newspaper archives looking for Sheryl's reporting on sugar or track down her Mr. Sugar Man. There would be no point. Many writers have hashed over the subject of Florida's sugar industry, before and after, to the point where the whole thing seems almost a broken record. There may always be those sad stories of poor migrant workers who struggle in back-breaking labor in the fields cutting the sugar cane. The poor you have with you always, as Jesus said. U.S. Sugar is a privately owned company so there is only so much the press and public can say about that. If U.S. Sugar chooses to continue its operations there, rejecting the state's bid to purchase its 100,000 acres of sugar cane fields for swamp restoration, and continues its sugar cane cultivation, at the same time expanding its refinery capacity, well, there is only so much to be said about that. So they did sell a portion of their acreage, but not all so far. Anyway, I am not in a good position to follow up on that, being without an editor to send me anywhere or pay my expenses, and, anyway, there is much water under that bridge. It is enough for me, I am content to know that sugar appears on grocery shelves everywhere if I should decide to bake cookies or cakes. In box or bag matters not. Sugar may rot your teeth and add pounds to your weight but if you want it you can easily find it here in the U.S.