Friday, January 15, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how annoying it is that someone is trying to throw me to the ravenous ones of San Diego. How many times do I have to explain that my name is not Susie? NOT Suzanne? There is no Susie here so I cannot explain to you what some other people were saying about Susie behind her back, or what Susie did to earn that, if anything. She certainly was huge but for starters, I was never really in San Diego so I cannot begin to explain what points someone else was trying to make, perhaps some cousin to some degree, beyond some superficialities. Beyond that I really don't know anything. I would really rather not comment judgmentally on the subject of Susie as I already know that I myself would only get hit on the back side of that for being too judgmental of the singlehood and then all my worst nightmares would come true either way.