Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Those two horrid Wilson girls were at our house the day that my little sister had an accident. She fell off a roof, one story down and was a little bit dazed but not really seriously injured, maybe a concussion. I resent these insinuated suggestions that I somehow pushed her off the edge. That is absolute not true. We were just all stretching trying to see something over the side of the roof, a narrow ledge, and in her scrambling her foot slipped and she fell backward under the railing and off the ledge. I had not touched her nor pushed anyone out of my way. Still, I am blamed for not having prevented that, for we should not have been up there on the roof in the first place when my parents were not at home to supervise, that much is true. The maid, whose name it happens was also Betty, was there, but she also did not prevent us from going up on the roof. So yes, to some extent I am at fault for being there, and yet with no premeditated intent of murdering my little sister nor did I do that. I could never quite remember how that happened when I was facing away, looking at something out there and did not exactly see what happened. So if they cannot forgive me that, I also will not be able to forgive them later for being such a huge nuisance to me behind the scenes.