Friday, January 8, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do pity these peasant class Italian pizza dogs, Sue Is-Oh? and Lisa and Suzette and Rene, etc., but I consider myself on a higher level than that. I understand that it is hard for them to imagine what it means for me to have attended college and have other things on mind than just who has the best pasta recipe and what parties have they attended lately to which I am mostly not invited because I am not Italian and do not fit in with that crowd of utterly boring people, where even if I were invited I would have to endure the unending insults of the mostly Italian peasants there. I do not appreciate these efforts to drag me down to the level of them. I am a Christian acting in Christian love so I really cannot say what I really think about them. That would so unchristian of me to accuse them of something of which they may or may not be innocent.