Friday, February 17, 2017

Which Reminds Me

The divorce has been final for quite a long time now so don't act so surprised when we always ignore these ridiculous letters from our mentally retarded Aunt Linda. Demanding respect for being my aunt and yet having been divorced by my Uncle for such ridiculous behavior leaves you outside of the family loop. Sorry but I do not wish to get involved in the divorce warfare even for the children's sake. The Sights family will hopefully stop trying to involve us in some ridiculous game of Blindman's Bluff, a huge distraction of pointless stupidity. I do not take my orders from some slobbering idiot named John Sights. We already know that any chip off the stupid old worthless Linda tree is not worth any special notice just for being stupid, needless to say. Your branch is no longer attached to me so no claim of relatedness can stick here. Bye.