Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Which Reminds Me

During the time that I was studying journalism in Virginia, I remember that I was conversing with some girl who was in our program or similar, and she was talking about how her family is in the archaeology business, her father publishes an archaeology magazine, and she was talking about how it is a rather insular affair, this one of archaeology, not many opportunities for generalists such as myself, very limited to the highly trained Ph.D. males who are willing to go out there in the boondocks and dig around to find all these artifacts. So that was an interesting conversation that I had with someone whose name I cannot recall at this moment.

Even so, this is a strangely belabored way of reminding me of that minor incidental conversation. I would only be guessing if I were to suppose that you are seeking a reenactment of that in order to provide free advertising services to renowned archaeologist Heidi O'Farrell, oh but that was before she married the Baker. We did attend the same college and yet never talked. I recognize the face but sorry cannot provide free advertising without knowing how all these points got stuck together in a massive blob.