Thursday, February 9, 2017

Which Reminds Me

When we were living in Central America, I remember that the Sawords, Goatleys and maybe one or two other families attending our MK school were from the Plymouth Brethren, which is a somewhat exclusivist group. They are a very small group and consider themselves to be exclusive knowers of everything, plus they have no use for us because we are Pentecostals, which is, OK, fine, sometimes we have to agree to disagree because we can never agree on all of these points. We have to part ways with the Sawords and the Goatleys at some point because there are some points on which we can never fully agree, and besides there are some things they cannot know about us given our limited contact with them and vice versa. So to prolong this discussion would be a pointless and fruitless exercise in futility, needless to say. When I get home to the U.S. I don't want to be seeing David's 7th grade face at every corner, needless to say.