Thursday, June 23, 2011


Yes, I do remember once going to the financial aid office at college and asking if I could get more financial aid, like grants and all that other stuff that we are always told about in publicity. I was told that there was nothing else, that my parents make too much money. So that was that. My mother was able to pay my tuition but there wasn't much money left over for expenses like shampoo, etc., so I got a part-time job at the school cafeteria washing dishes which helped with expenses although not really a career builder to say the least, just a couple of hours spent in dish washing, plus I also played piano for a few voice students and was a paid a small amount for that, not really anything to get rich on but at least something to pay expenses. So I graduated and I never want to hear another word from those hags in the financial aid office, Linda and Debbie. Someone really should take those old dogs out behind a barn and shoot them dead because I am sick and tired of hearing the sound of their voices howling in the wind. After all, they always made you feel like a beggar if you asked for anything so I think they should put on the beggar's shoes for a change and see what it feels like. So obviously someone has already said this about them although it wasn't me but I was chosen to regurgitate the sentiment, obviously.