Friday, June 17, 2011

Tongue Twisters

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
So how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
A peck of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick.

Ok, so I used to eat pickles sometimes as a snack after school. I would eat a whole pickle at a time as if it were a carrot, which is hard to imagine now. No, I do not remember what the brand name was. Was the word "kosher" on the label of the jar? I really do not remember. Why do you ask? Why would it matter? A pickled cucumber is a pickled cucumber is a pickled cucumber, is it not? I mean, Ok, so some pickles taste different than other pickles depending on the content of the brine solution used to pickle the cucumber. Nevertheless, the variations in flavor do not change the fact that the pickle was originally a cucumber which was left in some sort of bucket to stew in its own juices before being bottled and shipped to grocery stores everywhere. So whatever pickles my mother brought home from the grocery store will be the kind of dill pickles that I would snack on. My Dad often preferred those weirdly flavored sweet pickles so she would buy other pickles for Dad. It is strange to imagine that I would eat a whole pickle that way. Here in the U.S. pickles taste so different. Someone was saying that the pickling laws of the United States are much stricter and so the process is different here. I do not remember what the pickles tasted like down there so it really does not matter to me. Nowadays, while the occasional pickle slice adds a tangy burst of flavor to the cheeseburger I am otherwise not much inclined to snack on pickles of any kind or country of origin, especially being much more aware of the health risk of so much salt in the diet, especially the retention of water that results in that bloated feeling. I am not sure why I never noticed this when I was younger but, oh well, isn't that how it goes when one is now on the downhill stretch of life?