Friday, February 15, 2013

The Lie of Abstract Generalities

Yes, that was so rude, not to mention stupid, of Holly MacGowan to make such a sweeping generalization about male music majors. Holly was saying that all of the male music majors were gay but that was obviously a lie. There might have been one or two obvious cases that everyone knew of or suspected, but the rest of the male music majors were obviously straight and expecting to get married eventually, even though not necessarily to me, not that this was a subject to give much thought to. Holly made this pathetically stupid presentation in Lynda Botsford's room in the second floor dorm at a time when I was there visiting with Lynda and Dauna. No straight person would appreciate getting stuck in such a crooked box, obviously, and Holly should have known better than to go around making such ludicrous and potentially damaging false statements. And yet we see that Holly is rewarded for her stupidity and easily finds employment as a "Life Coach," whatever that means, by virtue of having a psychology degree, which likely trains you to treat everyone else like mental garbage and imagine yourself the supreme authority over your pathetically neurotic clients and/or acquaintances. And then I was stupid enough to repeat that garbage later because, I don't know, the idea generally speaking had been planted there in my mind and the implications were rolling around in my head, sort of. If the "all" were true (and are not these psychology people trained to be experts on these matters?) then that would mean that each "individual" would necessarily also be gay, in which case there would be no reason to give serious thought of him as a marital prospect and thus he should not go around making false and misleading statements about his future intentions of marriage when actually he is off the market. But then again the "individual" cases considered on their merits prove that the generality is often a lie and many of the male music majors were not gay even if not attracted to me in particular. Thus we see that we would be better off, generally speaking, not to consult with the clueless "life coach" about these matters. We know that the weeds will appear in their own timing. It was not our job to weed them out of the front lawn, there being too many other things to do, class and chapel attendance and homework and such. They tend to weed themselves out without any help from us so no need to get ourselves worked up on this point.