Monday, February 11, 2013

Which Reminds Me

My mother owns mineral rights to about 100 acres of land in Texas. My aunt's portion was 80 acres, which is now owned equally by her two surviving children Richard and Karen. So Richard and Karen each have 40 acres worth of mineral rights. And how is it that my mom got 100 acres and their mom only got 80 acres? I don't know exactly how that happened but I think that Richard and Karen are still angry about that and yet they are against me and friendly with my mother, their aunt, and also inexplicably loyal to that horrid Spanish lady, Anna of Oakland, who has no rights to anything, so none of this works to my advantage in any way. My grandfather apparently sold mineral rights on the other 180 acres to the farmer so he has half of the original amount, maybe, if I remember this rightly. So none of this matters or is of any benefit to me. I would not get any mineral rights unless my mother were to die and perhaps she has every right to disinherit me, and anyway I would just be horrendously old by that time and I would get maybe $100 every two or three months in oil revenues split with my sister and her family so that not be enough to even pay the rent, so this gas and oil stuff is not worth all of this aggravation. It just doesn't matter that much. It just isn't worth it to me personally.