Saturday, October 19, 2013

Strange D's

Yes, it is very weird, all these creepy wicked Klein people trying to "DeKlein" me, as if I had ever thought myself entitled to get their money. No, obviously I am not related to the Klein family. Who knew? No need to point this out. I am not even interested in being friends with such creepy weird people as the Klein trash, especially not Richard, especially not now. Obviously they would take whatever they could get if we were to open to the door to the Klein busybodies. But it is not like we are even remotely related to the Kleins and were not entitled to or expecting to get anything from them and really not interested. Thus it is strange that these Klein weirdos are always buzzing around our ears as if we had something that belonged to them even though we actually don't, or as if they were more deserving of our money than we ourselves even though inheritance is a gift that we cannot earn without a birthright. Everything that might or might not be ours comes from the Strickland side of the family obviously, and not even from Beverly. Thus it is very strange to be hearing from all this Klein idiots. If you wanted to be nice that would be one thing, but just to pick our pockets is not a nice thing to do. You have your percentage allotted through Beverly and that is all that you are going to get. Get it? Good. Now go away and leave me alone, you stupid re-Kleiners.