Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I am sick and tired of these people hitting my "You're in big trouble!" button, as if I were still three years old, still imagining that no one had yet figured out what we did, still imagining that he never told, still imagining that the nursery attendant was perhaps not fired for not having prevented our childish misdeeds. However, I am no longer three years old and I no longer even slightly intimidated by snarky Italian dogs who despise precocious toddlers.

I am sick and tired of being taunted by the stupid editor at the job interview who seemed horrified when I said that I created stories. Not meaning fiction. I just meant that I organized the information into paragraphs and in logical order, picking a quote here, a statistic there, etc., so that the reader could easily comprehend the gist of it. The whole kitchen sink just would not fit.