Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Which Reminds Me

And who appointed Elizabeth Hunt the Queen of the universe? She is just a snarky little witch always spreading misinformation and leaving behind a trail of confusion everywhere she has somehow had contact of any kind. And what is Venezuela to me? Nothing actually. I could not care less about Venezuela as compared to Colombia or any other South American country, the Philippines vs. Taiwan or whatever. All of these countries are full of unsaved people who need to hear the Gospel message, not unlike the U.S. Yes, it is confusing to have the backstabbing traitorous Hunts hanging on the same family tree as us, pretending to be of Pentecostal heritage while actually having sold out and turned sort of Baptist along with the Christian & Missionary Alliance defectors. It sort of confuses the picture when actually while our family is AG Pentecostal we were never exactly in agreement on certain points with the pathetically clueless empty-headed Southern Baptist Reeces and Bells who were our high school classmates in El Salvador, not that we would be able to explain it to them because they would not be able to understand. It sort of confuses the picture to have the clueless dimwitted Thompson girls sniping at us behind our backs when actually they were Venezuelan classmates of the traitorous witch Elizabeth apparently. It sorts of confuses the picture to have the Arab riff-raff Hoskins family pretending to be Chosen People. It sort of confuses the picture to have the Mexican riff-raff Bueno family pretending to be a products of Chile. It sort of confuses the picture to have the Bates riff-raff, after having defected to Puerto Rico, now presuming to be English literates. It sort of confuses the picture to have Foursquare Witch Kay attempting to "use" us for her own selfish purposes. In view of all this stupidity I think it would be better for me to just commit suicide because my existence on this planet just doesn't matter. I just don't count. Nobody cares about what happens to me. I am just nothing.