Friday, May 15, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Since when do the clueless chatterboxes of New York have jurisdiction over anything of mine? In this free country of ours, how is it that the clueless chatterboxes of New York would attempt to dictate how I should be spending my money, assuming that I had any?

And are not all my cousins in Texas filthy rich and shamelessly crowing about it in their snarky way, even though they are as yet untitled, at least without any title of interest in this case. Just because their last name is Warren, that does not mean that they are related to that big fat Saddleback braggart. Anyway, no one ever mentioned them in so many words so obviously it is merely a coincidence that they share a surname. It was not Stephen who wrote a bestselling book, obviously.

Doesn't the Bible tell us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Thus, we see that they expressly asked me to kick their butts. A slime of Long Beach obscures the view. I already know that I am not welcome there so obviously I won't stop by any time soon. It would seem that God's purpose for my life will not involve this meaningless Warren machine.