Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I thought that I had declined this opportunity to serve as the personal antipod to the dreary Bush machine, otherwise known as the Sam Houston Club, who wish to somehow relive the famous feud of McClellan vs. Houston. I cannot think of anything more depressing than having to spend all my time in the futile attempt to inject intelligence into these vapid, empty-headed bush people who never seem to remember anything of Texas history and who only wish to benefit politically from the reflected glory of Sam Houston without ever giving credit or remembering that McClellan, too, was a U.S. citizen with his own life story, one whose descendants perhaps might wish to avoid too much public attention on these obscure points of ancient history as mostly irrelevant to our everyday lives, generally speaking. The trail is long and convoluted and may lead all the way back to the clans of medieval Scotland, which is just too complicated for me.