Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Which Reminds Me

When will the scummy law-sharks of San Francisco finally get a clue? Guess what, the contract is gone and we are under NO obligation to be slave labor to the clueless idiots of the Bay Area. Everyone should be on guard against the machinations of the stupid little Kimmy-Puke and Company of Bay Area snobs who are continuously trying to reinstitute the slave labor contract that was shredded at such a high cost to us. Of course this doesn't do anything to help Anna Eber, the single woman coffeehouse waitress and member of the board who did the paperwork. She died a long time ago without seeing any fruit of that, although I really wouldn't know. I only saw her name on a piece of paper but I do not know one thing about her, just that she existed. So guess what! You can't get blood from a turnip. So why do I have to do your guesswork for you? I would gladly cooperate to have the arrogant scum of San Francisco-Michigan turned over to the proper authorities, but then again I am not sure who that would be. Everybody wants to be in charge and yet nobody wants to explain what they are talking about.