Yes, that was an interesting story that someone, I can't quite recall who, as if in a dream, was telling me about the statue of Christ that was built in the Andes mountains in 1904 to commemorate the peace between Chile and Argentina following several years of a civil war in regards to border disputes. So that was a method the people used to build common ground and smooth over their differences and disagreements, presenting a united face to the world at large, which sort of makes sense to me in a way because it doubtless helps to avoid further discussion. They can just point to the statute and leave it at that. Even if some other people are left in the dark as to the details of that, it is a political matter that does not interest me very much. I suppose that someone should probably make the effort of ferreting out something about that but anyway that was not my job. I didn't have much to go on, just something that John Bueno told my mother afterward on the telephone which my mother then relayed to me. Oh, I didn't know that. Knowing what I know now, I should be asking why should I feel guilty about something? I am not Chilean. That wasn't my problem.
As for me personally, I put no faith in statues. God is spirit and those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. So just putting a chunk of decorative concrete on a freezing cold mountaintop really accomplishes very little in terms of furthering the global understanding of border disputes in 19th century Chile and Argentina if that is what you were wanting to know more about. Anyway, it is fairly obvious that the spirit of that is somewhere else. But anyway God knows the truth of it even if some other people dissimulate.
And who I am to dispute the wisdom of the Truman doctrine? You should probably be talking to the elected legislators such as Jerry Ford about that, not so much me. I have no idea why I should care about that.
And if I should give my body to be incinerated in the space shuttle Challenger, what profit do you get from that when obviously there is no love in your angry heart. Anyway, Jesus probably has my DNA code on file somewhere so he can reconstitute me later in the next life if I place my faith in him alone.
Do you really think that I am so stupid I cannot detect the automatic widget which makes the people always against me, me always wrong. It's just always the same old routine about me not being the elect, me vs. the people, me=0, m=nothing. So?