Thursday, December 1, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I never had the slightest connection to the Nixon family per se so I have no idea why I should be expected to care about your big fat Greek wedding. One of our high school classmates had the surname of Nixon but I remember nothing else about him, just that his last name was Nixon, Jimmy Nixon, and that he was maybe a couple of years ahead of us. But anyway the name was not our problem. So anyway, how is all that dirty Greek money working out for you? You were so verbose in reminding me that I should not be expecting the Greek money to help in any way. The big fat Greek money is just all for you and nothing for me. Ok, fine. I wasn't really expecting anything from them anyway, not that I even have any idea what you are talking about. Needless to say, they never do anything helpful. Now there's something that I can count on.