Friday, December 23, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old, there was a sleepover at the Stewarts' house. We, my sister and I, were in Susie's very large room, myself asleep on a couch, and I was having a dream in which I was opening a box, whether Pandora's box or other box I know not, and the lid of the box flipped open and hit me on the leg. And then I woke up and saw that it was morning and that Susie's twin brother Sam had come into the room and thrown a shoe at me, which shoe hit me on the leg. So that was weird. So my dream was sort of true in a way. With friends like that, I have no need of enemies. They already do everything possible to make my life miserable so how can things get even worse than that?