Friday, December 23, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Scripting demands that I say something about Carmen, the high school classmate, a Mayan or Caribbean snake, obviously not the European royalty. You were perhaps expecting me to ask why are so many national honors may be heaped upon such a nasty hateful person? At least toward me. Anyone who is a close friend of Miss Murphy is no friend of mine. We can't have Murphy's law prevailing on this planet in which the worst-case scenario necessarily wins. How could I possibly have a reasonable conversation with such a boring person with the personality of cardboard cutouts? A mere clone, obviously, of the Calabrian monstrosity who sat directly in front of me in the alphabetical order of things. I may have played paper dolls as a child but such things are not appropriate for adult life. I won't need those horrid people for anything in my future life after high school, at least in my opinion. I know this is not what I was supposed to say in your pre-written contrarian script but I am not your slave property so things just aren't going to work out that way in real life contrarily speaking. So there is some scripting for you to chew on.