Friday, December 16, 2016
Which Reminds Me
Anyway, it is no secret that the Kennedy clan got nothing from us but vociferous criticism of their errant ways. You are expecting too much if you think that I am going to have my father or grandfather arrested for having launched into some fierce living room rant in front of the television set about them. Freedom of speech is an important principle in this our democracy and/or constitutional republic. Private citizens have their political opinions of varying sorts. Last I checked, Kennedy was no King above all reproach who could not be held to account for the Bay of Pigs or whatever it was. I don't understand why you persecute us so severely for not liking you. That's just life. You can't make all of the people like you all of the time. And that is what happens when you try to run for political office. You run into walls of criticism in various places. But of course California already sold its soul to them so there is no longer any reason to go there. So just having criticized the Kennedys does not constitute one an enemy of one's own country. I am just saying. But of course they have so much money, so much power, so much prestige, so much illusion of Camelot. If you work for only them you will not want to talk to me about that and vice versa. I will also want to avoid your mindless chatterbox ways. Because I am not sure which planet you are broadcasting from. Anyway, I really don't care that much about those dull and boring bulldogs who only care about themselves anyway. I heard that the Kennedys made a secret deal with the Russians in regards to the tanking of Mary Jo Kopeknee, a single woman they vowed to eternally trash and derogate in order to detract attention from the idiotic behavior of Ted. But of course you digress. We know that you are continually throwing things to distract. That's not news.