Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I actually don't care to explore the Olympic sporting event in great detail. It is something enjoyable to watch on television once every four years but that is about as interesting as it gets for me. I seriously doubt that I would ever go to any Olympic events because sports are just not my thing. However, I do vaguely recall that one year when the Olympics were in Los Angeles that Bobby Bueno and some of his friends, maybe Cindy Lopez, were deeply involved in that somehow. I don't remember what they said about that but I do vaguely remember hearing something. They were maybe volunteers for the logistics of the event so that was nice for them. Maybe they got free sporting event tickets along the way as a benefit. Yes, I suppose that if I had millions of dollars in the bank I too could volunteer to do a lot of things but I actually needed to work for money, not being independently wealthy and having no financial parachute to speak of and not wanting to be financially obligated to some wealthy donor's mysterious agenda, so obviously the Olympics will have to go on without me. Anyway, I never had any illusions of grandeur about my balance beam performance so I really cannot imagine why anyone would be asking me personal questions about the Olympics. I really don't care that much.