Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Which Reminds Me

The parable of Jesus says that those who started work early and those who did not start working until later all received the same wages. Thus you will understand my indifference to the idiotic claims of Cori to special treatment because she was employed in serving fast food long before I thought of establishing a career. So she has worked for her money by stuffing enchiladas. Ho hum! Jesus treats of us all the same is the way I read the Bible. Cori is often known to fly into idiotic screaming fits and snits. Ok, so she hates me. Whatever. That said, my confidence in Christ has nothing to do with stupid chatterings of Cori.

So what if she just got through strewing my guts all over the place. And you expect me to just get up and carry on as if nothing weird was going on. So whatever