Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Which Reminds Me

You often remind me of the lawsuit in which my grandparents were the losers. This involved the famous oil well drilled to find out if there was anything in it, as the letter writer said. You often liken their case to that of Ananias and Sapphira who were suddenly struck dead because their sale of property was misrepresented to the buyers. Well, we cannot dispute the facts of the lawsuit at this late date. However, most of these events occurred long before I was even born so I really cannot speak to that. All I can do is quote something in the Bible about how the sins of the parents and grandparents are not revisited upon the children. Obviously we cannot undo those past events, but also we cannot tolerate being shamed for events of which we were completely unaware. We can only start with the pieces that we found in the box and go from there.