Sunday, October 25, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Truth be told, I did not invite Dareda and Company to stop by my room and talk to me. They are the ones who barged in uninvited and proceeded to vomit their poison all over the walls. What was I supposed to do about that? I am often told that I should be more friendly, so I tried to listen politely. But, yes, some of their subject matters were rather problematic from an ethical point of view. There is not always a written statutory law to explain in so many words something that is a bad idea all things considered. Truth be told, I never did like Dareda all that much. I always thought she was sort of weird and self-absorbed in an immature sort of way. I wasn't going to verbalize that but since she turned out to be even more horrible than I had imagined, I find myself obliged to return fire for fire. I would not want to find myself in the position of having to defend her and her big fat mouth, obviously, which is another reason why I resented being attacked later by Pam and Company. Why is it that some of the most obnoxious people I ever met are from the Dakotas? I am sure that I don't know the half of it. Anyway, I did not return to Evangel the next year so that solved everything. With me living in another state, the pit bulls of Evangel will have to find someone else to target. The thought of having to go through another stupid argument with Jan is just too exhausting to contemplate.