Saturday, October 3, 2015

Which Reminds Me

One day near the end of my second semester at Evangel College I came back to my dorm room to find that all of Jan's things were gone. The window and door were open and Sue Waligunda, who is of Ukrainian descent, was there to tell me that Jan Green was gone now and that she had propped the door and window open to clear the air, to dispel the clogged air. Ok, so that was nice of Sue. How it came about that Jan was expelled from the dorm I really don't quite remember. I wasn't there for the final confrontation so I really don't know exactly what happened or what the last straw was. I just know that it actually was sort of a relief to have the room all to myself for the last couple of weeks or so. It is hard to say who was a more outrageous person, June or Jan. Also present were Karen from Pennsylvania, Darlene Embry, Cindy, and I'm not sure who else. It is hard to explain how such a supposedly spiritual Bible major protege of Dr. Baldwin could be such a depressing roommate as far as I was concerned. There never seems to be anything nice to say about her that I can remember, but the Green family are horribly nasty rich people so it is somewhat unfortunate for me to be on the wrong side of them.