Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I too have noticed, while digging through some genealogical records in regards to my great-grandparents, some glitchy incomplete information about the so-called riot of 1916 in Shanghai, after which some U.S. passports were seized and had to be later replaced which took several months, until 1917. And where are all of these police reports and testimonial evidence describing this incident, preferably translated into English from the original Chinese language, so that we can better inform ourselves as to the reason for all of this annoying hullaballoo? How could you possibly categorize a church service in the same bucket as a political rally? The whole thing does not make any sense. Why cannot we just have a look at the historical record, if there be any record in existence? That would be the logical thing to do, to research the historical record so as to piece together a composite picture of the incident as far as possible, even though it happened in hostile China during World War I, and even though all of the people of the time concerned are now gone. Even so, there ought to be some way to resolve this matter without further harassment, because there could be some thorny issues there that need to be addressed.