Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I do not recall signing any contract selling my soul or placing myself under any legal obligation whatsoever to any college roommate and/or dorm floormate. There is no reason for vicious bitch-witch ____ to pretend that she will ever have any real place in my life or that I am obligated to continue playing the role of helpless doormat to them long after they have ceased to have any role in my life. The worthless dogs of Evangel's Spence Third Floor dorm floor have no place legally to say that their approval is required before I can be declared a human being endowed with rights by my Creator and I never want to hear another word from those obnoxious people. Also, trashy worthless Cori continues to try to bait me into repeating that story she always tells about Grace. Every conversation with Cori tends to be very one-sided with her prattling on about the same or similar subject matter and myself saying nothing because there really is nothing for me to say about that. I was not there so that story has nothing to do with me.