Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Yes, Judy Umstead always did have the most rotten attitude of any person I ever saw in my life. I only roomed with her for two months and that was much too long. I never want to hear another word about or from that horrible person from Pennsylvania. If her boyfriend Joe did break up with her later I would not be surprised given that no one could get along with her or tolerate her temper tantrums and sudden screaming fits as for example when my alarm clock woke her up and also the time I dropped my hairbrush in the sink while getting ready for breakfast. I think that she lived in Pennsylvania which is another reason to avoid that state like the plague. I am sorry about Joe but it is not entirely my fault. I am sure that she has plenty of reason to blame herself and using me as a scapegoat is a very pathetic excuse for a rotten attitude in my opinion. The truth is that Judy was stupid. I do not remember every talking to Joe so I think she is stretching her cards way too thin because mostly she has only herself to blame, probably.