Friday, July 8, 2011

Indigenous Americans

Yes, it might be interesting to know whether there could be such a thing as an indigenous church in the United States. Mostly we think of the indigenous church as being located in some other country, not here in the U.S. where all of the people are imported from somewhere else anyway and fly out of the country to do missionary service elsewhere rather than bother trying to witness to the people at home who don't care anyway. There is a major flaw in the indigenous church principle which is the assumption that we the people of the U.S. are the imperialist aggressors and they over there are always the victims. Have these bigwigs never considered the fact that sometimes it is the other way around? When will they finally put those bigwigs in a mental hospital to ponder the error of trying to apply a 1950s mentality to the realities of the 21st century? The answer to that question is not clear.