Thursday, July 7, 2011


Yes, wee see that these silly Spanish ladies for whom those magazines were written so fascinated with these Euro trash monarchs. I vaguely remember reading somewhere about Prince Albert and his affairs out in the Palm Springs desert. We have no connection whatever to those people. However, I am not surprised to see in the newspapers these silly Spanish ladies fascinated and running to hear every tawdry detail of the sordid life of Prince Albert and his many descendants. One does feel sorry for the pathetic lady he finally married. And Princess Diana thought her marriage was crowded. Ha! We have our celebrity trash here in America but mostly they are Hollywood movie stars most of whom could not get elected president for love nor money notwithstanding the exception of President Reagan. We would prefer that our politicians concentrate on taking care of the nation's business and getting the nation out of debt please, instead of wasting our time on silly nothingness, thank you very much.