Thursday, February 12, 2015

Which Reminds Me

It is rather misleading for Cori to go around saying that she fired me when actually, for one thing, I was never an employee of Del Taco that I should be expected to accept her barking orders at me that way, as if she were somehow my work supervisor. Ha ha ha! Then myself, rather than accept that type of domineering behavior from her, I quit. She, faced with my refusal to obey her barking orders, started screaming that I was fired and that she wanted me out of her room. Fine. I don't really care if I never see her and her horrid family ever again in this lifetime. Like I said, maybe when we all get to heaven we will have been perfected enough to get along but until then I can't be bothered with all of their mental problems. They were really nothing, just district uppity-ups or military trash or Japanese riff-raff or something.