Monday, February 16, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that reunion of 1998 during which we all met at Pam's house. We all sat around listening to mostly Linda chattering about her work in the obstetrics department of Holy Cross Hospital and telling her usual horror stories about nursing work, as if we were all at some nurses' conference and would enjoy sharing that, including that same story that she had already told in the old days about the baby that was born without a brain. It lived a few days longer than expected because of its strong sucking reflex but it did die a few weeks or months after birth. Hmmm, who would that have been? Well, I am not one to go around parroting Linda's mindless chatter but plenty of other people were present to do that, including Craig and Vic and Rosanne and Pam and maybe John and Michelle. Linda was also saying that Angie's family is very concerned about her dating a non-Christian man there in the Bay Area where she was living. I think she was already working on the Romanian orphanage thing by then although her mother was dying or had recently died and I don't remember what else Linda might have said about that. Anyway, I doubt there will be another reunion like that. Enough said.