Sunday, February 15, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I did overhear someone talking about Angie, the founder of a Romanian orphanage, maybe it was Ophelia or some of the Italians such as Michelle and Linda Crawley, saying that Angie was seen at Florida District Council all made up to look like a glamorous movie star and being introduced to the money by the Hoskins. Someone, either Ophelia or an Italian such as Linda, was making points about how does Angie get the money without the man since she obviously she lost her bid to marry David Hoskins and yet is still seen hanging onto his family as if longing to share in the wealth. Yes, well, since I have yet to hear the actual story from Angie or the Hoskins I get sort of annoyed at all of these obscure little hints from such a dreary Nurse Ratchet as Linda Crawley. It's not like Linda or Michelle or whoever it was would know beans about fundraising and ministry and that sort of thing. Not that I would even want to do that either but anyway I am just saying that they are just regular working people whose sarcastic tone is colored by jealousies and an abiding hatred of all missionary kids. I, too, am a missionary kid but really don't know know where Angie would want to do that either or why she would put such trust in that sarcastic Linda Crawley, as if she were some kind of friend behind her back.