Monday, February 2, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that I have yet to visit the Presidential Library at College Station. That's a city in Texas and I imagine that it may contain all you would want to know about voodoo economics and other economic and political issues of interest in the 1980s if you are so inclined there, which I am not.

Even so, I did graduate from college and I have the diploma to prove it, never mind that Michelle was never really there. Machelle may imagine that high school is the height of accomplishment but education does not stop with her big fat mouth. Education continues throughout life and later we may look back and wonder what we were thinking at the time sitting there listening to that. She tried to boss me around and publicly disinvited me to some shower for some person I never heard of thus indicating that I should not be aspiring to her social level. Even so, I never liked her attitude and really don't care if I never see her again in this lifetime. Maybe when we all get to heaven we will all be perfect then and able to stand being around each other. But all of that does make you wonder if she is related to the Bush family. She never really said that in so many words. I did vote for them as there was no other party choice but it is hard for me to remember why that was now that there is so much water under the bridge and I learned so many things later that I had not been aware of at the time.