Friday, February 13, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I suddenly remember that "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is one of the books that was required reading in high school English class with Miss Marken. Who would want to read such a dreary and depressing book if not for homework assignments? We do have a cuckoo clock here but that's not to the point. In the book there was a mental patient and Nurse Ratchet locked in hostile conflict. Who do you suppose would win that contest? All the authority is vested in Nurse Ratchet. Just strangling Nurse Ratchet will not solve that problem. Nurse Ratchet takes pride in riding roughshod over all of the mental cases under her care, such as McMurphy. And if you kill Nurse Ratchet, they will not be reluctant to lobotomize you. The mental switches will all be flipped the other way and you will have a hard time remembering your name and address, and they will think it fun to watch you stumbling around in the dark. So that is something to ramble on about I suppose. A depressing thought for sure but I didn't write this book.